Dawn M.
Hiring Shari as a coach I have experienced a big shift in how I feel about my finances, and LIFE. I came to her exhausted, feeling stuck , and tired of “figuring it all out myself”, and now have experienced tremendous RELIEF that all the financial muddiness in my life is getting clear. Shari’s program is much deeper than that, though – it is about living the life you want – not just talking about it. Shari is the practical, results oriented spark I needed in my life – she holds my feet to the fire, then gives me a big hug and says “you can do this”. We may all “know” this in our heads, but unless you are LIVING what you “know”, well – you DON’t really know it. I finally realized that if I COULD have done this myself, I already would have, but by getting Shari’s help I am learning what my blind spots are that have kept cropping up , and and now with Shari’s insight I am learning to see around them – consistently . That is the beauty of an ongoing program – Shari is there when the initial excitement of change is over and has really helped me install the discipline to succeed at “money”. That is also the beauty of momentum, it gets more and bigger results with time. I am so grateful I signed on with Shari, and know this will be the money program that will change how I “do” money forever, so I really can turn some of my ‘wishes’ into goals, and my LIFE.