Get in the driver’s seat and take control of your finances.
Join my Money Peace Workshop in Nanaimo.
New Workshop!
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Money ‘Peace’
Women I meet say that money allows them to care for themselves, their families, improve their lives and provide security.
Reality is that money is simply a tool to live the life you really want and money will only improve your happiness if you use it for things that matter to you.
That’s great but money is not something we talk about – like sex and religion… so here we have this emotionally charged topic – that no one talks about.
We don’t recognize or acknowledge our feelings towards money so how can we take the steps to change what isn’t working?
There are 4 big reasons that stop us….
Shame / blame / regrets / and hiding
Yet we are desperate to get relief from money stress.
We want to live the life that we want but we don’t believe that we can because we don’t know how.
I have 2 workshops coming up at the end of May that will release money stress & angst, bringing renewed inspiration and excitement about living the life you want, free from money worries.
These workshops are small & interactive and they fill quickly. Getting peace of mind around money is what financially stressed out women need right now.
This workshop gives them that relief and something to rebuild from.
It’s THAT important to me that I help women get their relationship with money sorted out.
Oh and if you think you can’t afford it… then you REALLY want to make sure you’re there…!
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