One half of life is luck and the other is discipline.. and that’s the important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what to do with your luck. Do you believe that? Depend on the rabbit’s foot if you will – but it didn’t work for the rabbit!
Here is what I believe LUCK stands for…
L ~ learning to adapt to
U ~ unexpected
C ~ change (equals)
K ~ key to success
Since many of us feel quite comfortable in our preferred habits, we usually find it more agreeable to resist change. That’s simply because change can become quite uncomfortable – forcing us to move from our favourite position, forcing us to think – forcing us to take risks, even forcing us to think of alternate possibilities.
When I go for a tune up in golf – the first thing the instructor adjusts is my grip. Now when he does this it feels really awkward… in fact I have told him that I could not hit the ball holding the club like this – “Try it!” he says…. Sure enough – the improvement in the ball striking is significant – But despite the pain and discomfort it creates, when we work with it, change causes us to stretch and grow far beyond the limits of our comfort zone.
Along with all of this stretching and growing, dramatic changes are taking place within us. They are usually cleverly disguised inner transformations of sorts – more evolutionary than revolutionary in nature. But it sure doesn’t feel like it at the beginning!
What life has taught me is that we all create our own luck through our personal beliefs and attitudes. Luck is really the residue of design.That’s why it is important to set goals. Have you ever felt you are not getting what you really want out of life? Do you know what you really want out of life?
This is one of my favourite quotes by Henry David Thoreau;
“Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air. They are where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
Dreams are the stuff of which life is made. We all have them. Yet many people wonder how they can ever realize their dreams, or they give them up when they experience roadblocks, detours and curves on the way. It is often difficult to achieve a financial dream when there are many financial issues that seem to take priority.
There are daily expenses, paying off a mortgage or debt, saving for your own or a child or grandchild’s education, saving for retirement, taking a family vacation, caring for aging parents – we all have multiple and competing demands on our finances which make achieving our dreams sometimes appear to be impossible.
How can you manage all these financial challenges and at the same time keep your dreams alive? How can dreams become reality?
The value of setting and writing down goals cannot be overemphasized.
Next week I will give you the steps you need to figure out what you want!
Your goals start as a dream, but with planning, determination and communication, you can make them a reality!
Wealth is the ability to fully experience your life.
Have a wealthy week!