Businesswoman fighting about the moneyAre you a woman in business and feeling frustrated with your results?

If you are then keep reading!

Let me ask you this, “Do you set goals in your business?”

Goals can either motivate us or just the opposite, make us feel overwhelmed. But what I know from my own experience and coaching others is that if you are not setting goals in your business you are really running your business by default rather than design.

As women, we are naturally emotional, so why fight it? The key to our success in achieving our goals is to get emotional about them. As women we are all great multi-taskers but usually at a cost…. We ignore our own self-care.

So how do we set goals that we will stick to and that we are motivated to achieve?

First off we have to make a commitment to the goal and soul search if the goal is really what we want. I have women that I coach who set goals that they think they should do, but they sometimes don’t have really any ‘skin in the game’ to motivate or inspire them to keep at it. Is the goal you are setting your goal, or what you think you should do?

You have to really believe in it and that you are worth it. If not, I see women who sabotage their dreams and set themselves up for failure. It is all about honouring your self-worth, or like I say to my clients; “It’s time to get selfish!”

When you try to live up to someone else’s expectations and you fail, then the old friend guilt sets in and sets us back. We feel that we haven’t lived up to someone else’s expectations and again as women we tend to feel responsible, for way too many things! A lot of my clients feel guilt, shame and embarrassment that they haven’t earned more, saved more, invested more… Does this sound familiar to you?

Woman watching with binocularsThey key to being successful in your business is to give yourself the permission to TRY, to jump over fear and really honour your commitment to what you want and be the amazing woman that you are. The world is waiting for you, you have to say YES to opportunities, even if they are scary or you’re afraid. You have to challenge your old way of thinking. Sometimes that can be hard to do by yourself, I KNOW! …I have coaches and I am part of mastermind groups. I know for sure that I personally need support and to be honest – I like feeling that I am part of a team, cheering ME on to success!

As women we need to step up to the plate and admit that we may need help and support. It’s okay to ask for help, and for some that is a concept that they really struggle with. We need to get over ourselves, take charge and set into action some of our deepest desires and dreams. You can do it, dreams do come true, but you have to know what you want and be willing to do what it takes to get it. It may be hard and challenging at times but as someone once said to me; “If you’re not being challenged you’re not growing, and if you’re not growing you’re shrinking to fit!”

Want to know more about money and success coaching click here.

To your success!

Shari Molchan

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