Can you identify with any of these money scripts?

  • Someone will always take care of me financially
  • More money will make things better
  • I deserve to spend money
  • I don’t deserve money
  • There will never be enough
  • Rich people are greedy
  • Money is the only measure of self worth

 Or do you have any of these money hot buttons?

  • You avoid or obsess about money
  • You are determined to succeed, but never quite get “there”
  • Have reached a money ‘ceiling’ and you are frustrated

 How about any money distresses like;

  • Job loss
  • Home loss
  • Bankruptcy
  • Change in income & lifestyle

 Most people are not feeling very empowered with their money decisions & choices. One of the reasons is that most are unaware of the unconscious drivers they have around money (family patterns, beliefs, and your own words that you use every day to talk about money!)

Money coaching is about teaching people how to remain connected to their long-term goals and their daily finances at the same time. I help people break out of their money comfort zone and make more money!

It really comes down to developing a financial peace of mind. But what are the steps that you need to take to get there?

First is awareness of where you are and admitting to yourself that there could be something more. We shut the voice up inside of us that says, “Go for it – You can do it!” and let our doubts and fears take over.

It doesn’t have to be that way, there are small steps that you can take to not only heal your relationship with money – but change it so that you feel in control and free to live the life you want.

I offer a one hour complimentary money/success strategy session. What to know what is holding you back? I’ll uncover it for you! Send me an e-mail to and put in the subject line: “I’m ready for success!”

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