There are definitely lots of opinions and questions about kids and allowances!

I think the main point is that you need to teach your kids what money is. How you need it to survive – (unless you are going to live in the jungle and eat fish!) and how it can help you get what you want – and even to live their dreams.

Do you remember as a kid thinking that the world was yours to have – and we were even encouraged to dream! “What do you want to be when you grow up Susie?” – “I want to be be princess and live in a castle!”

“That’s great Susie! the parents reply…. and all is well until Susie gets older ….still wants to be a princess but she gets told to ‘GET REAL’ and live in the ‘REAL WORLD’ . Why can’t Billy have the new bike – show him how to save up and work for it and he can!

But if we are not living our dreams and have not even tried because we don’t believe it – what kind of role model are we for our kids….?

We are only able to do what we know and what we are taught…. until we know different or are taught different – usually as adults – then can we pay it forward to our kids…

Here is the great thing – it is never too late to start… my kids were already 16 and 18 when I got taught that “I” can live my dreams…. “really?” – I was 40 – but I had a mentor that showed me how… it literally changed my life.

The cool thing is that it made a difference – not only in my life but in my kid’s life too….

I am very proud of what my boys have accomplished in the last 10 years… and I know my journey affected and empowered them in their lives when I changed mine… it can’t help but do it!

The journey can start when you are 2 – 5 – 15 – 20 – 40 – 60 – even 70 years old! It’s never too late… you just have to believe and ask for direction and a teacher will appear if you are ready … they did for me – if I can do it – you can do it!

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